Trimmed in deep red ribbon roses and pink and white ombre rosettes nested in green, this circa 1870's bonnet is finished with narrow white ribbon ties. $23.50
Beige Steampunk Top Hat with Feather
Gears and a tall feather decorate this beige ultrasuede top hat with vintage ribbon band. $25.00
Early Victorian Straw Bonnetn
This rose straw bonnet is trimmed with white cotton lace and white silk ribbon. There is a traditional lace bavolet at the rear, covering the back of the wearer's neck. $15.00
Beige Early Victorian Bonnet
A beige silk early Victorian bonnet on a hat stand is trimmed with ecru vintage cotton lace, white silk ribbon bows and ties and a curled white feather. $25.00
Mauve Roll Brimmed Hat
This mauve hat sports a matching feather, rosette and rolled brim.. $20.00
Green Steampunk Top Hat
A green ultrasuede top hat is decorated with gears, lace, a white feather and a large mulbery rose.
Elegant Gold Mid Victorian Bonnet
An elegant bonnet in gold silk with ecru cotton lace and silk ribbon trim is decorated with a dozen and a half silk ribbon roses and green silk ribbon loops.
Green and Lavender Bonnet
A saucy one inch scale green and lavender bonnet is covered with vintage rayon taffeta ribbons and roses. $23.50
Large Burgundy Hat Trimmed with Black Laceu
This large brimmed hat in burgundy silk is covered with black vintage lace and topped by a large black silk ribbon bow. $35.00
Bride's Hat with Short Veil
A white pillbox bridal hat is trimmed with a short veil, silk ribbon picot trim, and ribbon roses. $15.00
Rose Silk Hat With Roses, Lace and Ribbon Loops
This is a molded flat brimmed silk hat in rose , trimmed with pink roses and green silk ribbons $28.50
Elegant Pink Mid Victorian Bonnet
An elegant bonnet in pink silk with ecru cotton lace and silk ribbon trim is decorated with a dozen and a half silk ribbon roses and green silk ribbon loops.
Natural Straw Skimmer with Pink, Red and White Flowers.
Natural straw skimmer is ringed in pink, red and white paper chrysanthemums with pink silk ribbon hatband and small back bow . $28.00
Red Steampunk Top Hatj
A red ultrasuede steampunk top hat is decorated with a glittery black hatband and bow, large gear and curled black feathers. $25.00
Elaborate 1890's White Straw Hat,
An elaborate 1890's white straw hat with small brim is festooned with roses and ribbons. $45.00
Royal Blue Silk Cloche
This royal blue silk cloche is trimmed with white lace and silk ribbon roses . $15.00
Rose Trimmed, Burgundy Elegant Silk Victorian Bonnet
This dark burgundy Victorian bonnet is covered with a profusion of multi colored roses, burgundy lace and black ribbons. $45.00
White and mauve straw 1870's bonnet
White straw1870's bonnet with mauve and burgundy roses and ribbon ties.$23.50
Pink Victorian Bonnet
This pink silk Victorian bonnet boasts a wide pink silk ribbon band and bow, white paper flowers with pink stamens and pink silk ribbon ties. $25.00
Blonde Mid-Victorian wig on a stand
Blonde acrylic wig with long curls cascading down the back, displayed on a wooden hat stand. $ 20.00
Medieval Horned Headdress circa 1430
Medieval escoffin or horned headdress draped with a gauze veil was popular in the early 1400s $25.00
Red Velvet Bonnet
Large velvet bonnet of the 1830's trimmed with ribbon roses and organdy ribbon bow. $15.00
Natural straw skimmer with rose bow,
Natural straw skimmer with large rose bow. $28.50
Natural straw hat with mauve bow,
This natural straw hat is decorated with rose and pink flowers with a large mauve bow. $28.50